Open-Source Licences
TicketyBoo makes use of the following open-source software components, under the terms of their respective licences, and with gratitude to the authors:
Infrastructure & user interface
- The PHP language, under the PHP Licence v3.01
- Laminas Framework, under the BSD-3-Clause Licence
- The PostgreSQL relational database system, under the PostgreSQL Licence
- Bootstrap, under the MIT Licence
- Font Awesome webfonts, under the SIL OFL 1.1 Licence
- The Maizzle Framework, under the MIT Licence
- The Twig templating engine, under the BSD Licence
- UI Confirmation Alert, A1.wav, by InspectorJ ( of, under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Licence
PHP components & libraries
- chillerlan/php-qrcode, under the MIT Licence and the Apache Licence 2.0
- fig/http-message-util, under the MIT Licence
- hashids/hashids, under the MIT Licence
- league/color-extractor, under the MIT Licence
- mexitek/phpColors, under the MIT Licence
- PHPMailer, under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 2.1
- soundasleep/html2text, under the MIT Licence
- Some Symfony components, under the MIT Licence
- tecnickcom/TCPDF, under the TCPDF Licence
- uptime/uptime, under the MIT Licence
Javascript components & libraries
- Cropper.js, under the MIT Licence
- Day.js, under the MIT Licence
- QR Scanner, under the MIT Licence
- Sortable, under the MIT Licence